There is an opinion that a tourist has nothing to do in industrial cities. But one has only to take a closer look at Lodz, and the traveler will be fascinated by the discreet beauty of this city.
Entertainment and attractions in Lodz
The main attraction of Lodz is its wonderful architecture. Its old houses deserve the closest attention. Wealthy industrialists made their dwellings as different as possible from others, rich and spectacular. Some of them (Palace of Mauritius of Poznań, Villa of Leopold Kindermann or Villa of Eduard Herbst) are open to view the interior decoration. And in the Palace of Israel Poznansky and the Palace of Mauritius Poznansky museums are open: the history of the city and contemporary art.
In Lodz, even industrial buildings will interest tourists! The White Factory is home to the Textile Museum, and the abandoned red brick factory buildings inspired David Lynch to film his Inland Empire here.
The city has: a museum of cinema, a higher school of cinematography and television, as well as its own Avenue of Stars. It is located on Piotrovsky Street, the longest street in Europe.
Lodz justifies the title of the cultural capital of Poland not only with its cinematic past and present. The excellent location of the city makes it attractive for various concerts.
Lodz is not only churches and synagogues, architecture and history, factories and museums. There are also many green and well-groomed parks in the city, for example, the largest botanical garden in Poland or the Łagiewnice forest park.