Sights of Ottawa

Ottawa is the capital of Canada, it is a neat city that cares about order and ecology. It will not leave indifferent fans of sports, art, culture and natural beauties. The municipality has more than 1000 parks, the National Art Gallery presents expositions of hundreds of masterpieces of world sculpture and painting.

In winter, the International Hockey Festival and the world-famous fairy tale “Winterlude” take place, in the spring – the holiday of His Majesty the Tulip, in the summer – you can see entire tribes of Indians walking around the city center.

Entertainment and attractions

Ottawa is a fairly young city, so there are no old buildings here. But the list of attractions is still quite long.

Parliament Hill and the Basilica of Our Lady are beautiful examples of Gothic and Neo-Gothic architecture. The most famous attraction is the Peace Tower, its main treasure is a carillon (mechanical device) of 53 bells, they can be heard daily. The basilica is decorated with a gilded statue of the Madonna. Inside the building – a collection of stained-glass windows, figures of saints, a gilded altar and a phenomenal organ of 4700 pipes.

The Rideau Hall mansion, which managed to be the residence of Elizabeth II herself, is proud of a luxurious park and a unique collection of antiques and art objects.

The Upper Canada Village complex holds the title of the most original attraction. This is a whole village with picturesque meadows, forests and ponds, where time stood still in the “1860s”. Here you will see wooden buildings and crafts of that period, mini-trains and horse-drawn carriages, weavers and flour millers work, bake real bread and make incredible cheese.

At the Experimental Farm, you can stock up on recipes or ready-made dishes of rural cuisine, see intricate village buildings – in short, for a few hours you can forget that you are in the heart of the main city of a huge country.